Aggregation - combining goods in a consumer package in a group package and (or) in a transport package of the first level, as well as in a transport package of subsequent levels with the application of a code of identification to the created package, ensuring the preservation of information about the relationship of identification codes of each enclosed consumer package, group package of transport package with the identification code of the group package and (or) transport package created.
Why do we need aggregation of goods?
The aggregation of marked goods is needed to simplify logistics processes: the formation of logistics packaging (group or transport), which is assigned its own digital identifier (aggregation code), storing information about the hierarchy of all the enclosed elements.
Aggregation makes it possible to obtain information about the turnover of marked goods between the participants of the turnover without the need to open the logistics package and without the need to scan the means of identification of the enclosed items.
Aggregation into group packaging
The aggregation of goods into a group package is performed using a group package identification code (GPIC) issued by the NIS MTG operator.
One group pack (GPIC) can unite only one type of goods - monogoods (goods of the same name, type and brand, bar code).
For correct and optimal work it is recommended to include no more than 100 units of goods (consumer packages) into one group package (GPIC).
To form information about aggregation of goods into a group package, perform the following actions:
- form a pool of identification codes for aggregated consumer packs (IC);
- check the uniqueness of the identification codes of the aggregated consumer packs;
- apply the group package identification code (GPIC) issued by the NIS MTG operator to the formed group package;
- verify the uniqueness of the used group package identification code (GPIC);
- generate an aggregation message;
- send the aggregation message to the order management station.
Aggregation into the transport package
Aggregation of goods into the transport package is carried out using the transport package identification code (TPIC), formed by the manufacturer and (or) importer of the marked goods independently in accordance with the established format. You can read more in the article Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC), what is it and how to form it.
One transport package (TPIC) can combine only one type of goods - monogoods (goods of the same name, type and brand).
For correct and optimal operation, it is recommended to include no more than 10,000 units of goods into one transport package (TPIC).
To form information about aggregation of goods into a transport package, perform the following actions:
- form a pool of identification codes for aggregated consumer packs (IC) and/or group packages (GPIC);
- check the uniqueness of the identification codes of aggregated consumer packages (IC) or group packages (GPIC);
- generate a transport package identification code (TPIC) in the format: transport package serial code (SSCC);
- Apply the transport packaging identification code (TPIC) to the formed transport packaging, in accordance with the GS1-128 standard;
- generate an aggregation message;
- send the aggregation message to the order management station.
Aggregated import code
The Aggregated Import Code (AIC) is used to aggregate the imported goods during customs procedures.
The AIC is indicated by the importer in the Cargo Customs Declaration (CCD) when goods are cleared under the customs regime "Free circulation (import)" (IM 40) in Box 31 under number 6. The AIC is not applied to the goods (its packaging) or the means of transport.
The aggregated import code may include codes of consumer (IC), group (GPIC) and transport (TPIC) packaging.
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