General attributes
- ⚠️ Product code (GTIN)
- ⚠️ Applicant's tax identifier
- Product category
- FEACN code
- Name of manufacturer
- Tax identifier of the manufacturer
- Location (address) of the manufacturer
- Name of the organization receiving the claims
- Address of the organization receiving the claim
- Phone number of the organization receiving the claim
- Trade name of the product
- Trademark
- Country of origin
- Normative document (regulation, standard)
- Type of document confirming compliance
- Number of the document confirming compliance
- Model name / article number
- Date of issue of document confirming compliance
- The document confirming compliance is valid until
- Type of permit
- Permit number
- Date of issue of the permit
- Sign of the perpetuity of the permit document
- The permit is valid until
- The number of the register entry on the issuance of a permit document
- Product photo
- Product photo angle
- ☑️ Technical file
- Status
- Product code (GTIN) of group packaging