General attributes
- ⚠️ Product code (GTIN)
- ⚠️ Applicant's tax identifier
- Product category
- FEACN code
- Name of manufacturer
- Tax identifier of the manufacturer
- ⚠️Registration certificate number (mandatory value)
- ⚠️Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (reference value, mandatory)
- ⚠️International Nonproprietary Name(reference value,mandatory)
- ⚠️Pharmacotherapeutic group (reference value,mandatory)
- Dosage form (reference value, mandatory)
- Dosage/concentration (mandatory value)
Home Appliances
Tobacco products
Medical products
- Purpose or brief description
- Area of application
- Item subposition in the IKPU registry 3005
- Item subposition in the IKPU registry 3006
- Item subposition in the IKPU registry 3005_3006
- The product is sterile