Digital signature is an alternative to a traditional handwritten signature. It is necessary to confirm identity when signing and checking the authenticity of electronic documents. Use of digital signature helps quickly exchange legally important documents with minimized interactions between counterparties.
It is required for signing up and use of Asl Belgisi.
In this article you will learn:
How to obtain a digital signature
To use the labeling system, it is necessary to have a digital signature issued to the legal entity for the Director General. It is the digital signature of the Director General that must be used to sign up with the system. If you have already had such digital signature, then you can use it.
To learn more, read How to make sure that the digital signature is issued to the legal entity for the director.
If you have no digital signature or it is issued for an individual, arrange for a new digital signature using one of the available methods, i.e., either online or personally with a certification center.
Visit the website of the Digital Signature Key Registration Hub of the Scientific and Information Center of New Technologies. Go to the Get Digital Signature section and take the below three steps.
Step 1. Completing the application form
Fill in the application form to obtain a digital signature certificate for the legal entity. You will need to enter the following data:
- Corporate TIN;
- TIN or PINI of the Director;
- Mobile telephone number of the applicant.
Step 2. Application confirmation
After that, the confirmation code will be sent to the specified phone number as an SMS message. The code must be entered to confirm the application.
Step 3. Generation of private key and password
At this stage, the applicant needs to attach a copy of his/her passport and a file containing his/her photo with the opened passport page.
The applicant’s image in the attached photograph must be clear, full-face and on a light background, while the text on the main page of the passport must be legible. The size of the photo should not exceed 5 MB.
As a result, the system will generate an e-application based on the data you have entered. Check it carefully and, if you agree with it, click the Send Request button.
At this stage, filling out of the online application is completed.
Step 4. Application verification
The application will be reviewed by the operator of the Public Services Center within one business day after receipt. To view its status, visit the key registration website, go to Retrieve Application and enter the application number.
In case of a positive decision, the applicant will be notified accordingly with the SMS message sent to the specified mobile phone.
Through the Certification Center
Digital signatures can be obtained at public services centers in Uzbekistan.
To do this, find the closest public services center on the website of the Agency of State Services under the Ministry of Justice, in the Public Services Centers section.
Pay for the digital signature and come to the certification center with your passport, a free flash drive and a formalized digital signature application. There you can confirm receipt of the key and the digital signature certificate and to download the same to your flash drive.
How much a digital signature costs
Within eight hours after filing the online digital signature application, you must pay for the service, otherwise it will be canceled.
Payment for the digital signature key should be made through the bank’s cash desk or through one of the following payment systems: payme, click, upay, paynet. The service fee is 7% of the basic account value (BAV), i.e., UZS 15,610 for individuals and 10% of BAV, or UZS 22,300 for legal entities.
Bank account of the Registration Center of the State Tax Committee: settlement account: 2021 0000 7004 3120 0005 with JSC Invest Finance Bank, sort code: 01041, TIN 201589463, OKONKh 82000. The fee is established in accordance with the List of Rules and Measures Aimed at Further Improving Conditions for Doing Business introduced on August 1, 2012 and approved by Executive Order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 4455 dated 18.07.2012 On Measures for Further Radical Improvement of the Business Environment and the Provision of Greater Freedom to Entrepreneurship.
Digital signature terms of use
Keeping the private key in secret is in the heart of the safe technology for using digital signatures. The digital signature owner must abide by the basic rules for storing the private key and ensure its safety:
- Under any circumstances, refrain from handing the media with the private key to others;
- Take all possible steps to ensure confidentiality of information about the private key password (refrain from disclosing the password to any third party and regularly change the password on the NIC website);
- Take all possible steps to prevent loss, disclosure, modification or unauthorized use of the private key.
If any third party has got access to your key or the media with the key has been lost, the key certificate must be nulled.
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