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СУЗ: ИЗКМ - Описание API

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    What is the difference between API - SUZ: IZKM and API - NIS ASL BELGISI

  • Good day. Raj Panchal
    IZKM API is necessary for performing actions such as:
    Ordering codes, aggregation, application report, write-offs, etc.

    NIS MPT API is necessary for performing actions such as:
    Checking a code, checking a document, receiving a history of codes
    submitting documents to make changes to codes, etc.

    A brief description of the differences:
    -Authorization method
    -In one, authorization is static and in the other, it is dynamic
    -There are more methods in NIS MPT API than in IZKM
    -IZKM API is used only by those participants who have the legal right to receive codes. while NIS MPT API can be used by all participants registered in Asl Belgisi.
    -for some methods, an EDS key will be required for confirmation.

    Both of these APIs are useful for specific tasks. Based on your task, you can use these documentation.


    Also can you confirm the security, that there is no way to order codes without providing GTIN in the request.

  • Unfortunately, both documentations are available only in Russian, if you have any questions about the operating principle of the methods, you can send a request to support@crpt-turon.uz technical support service.

  • We recommend sending such questions to the technical support service, the email is indicated above.
    Specifying the GTIN code when ordering codes is a mandatory parameter, without it the order is not possible.


    If I am using the IZKM api for pharmaceutical products,


    what would be the values of - <server-name> [:server-port] and the {extension}

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