In order to move the labelling codes from "Issued" to "Applied" status. It is necessary to sumbit an "Application Report" .
1. It is necessary to enter your personal account in the NIS "ASL Belgisi system " and go to the section "Codes order"
2.Open the "Reports" section, click the "Create" button in the function menu and select the "Application" line
3. Select product group "Medicines" -> enter information in the fields (marked in red).
"Type of use": "MC was printed by" or "MC application was confirmed by" (confirms that the Data Matrix code has been directly applied to the packaging or applied with a sticker). Select the appropriate option from the two offered.
- date of production of labelled products (exact date of production of the medicinal product);
-date of expiry date (date of expiry of the medicinal product);
- priduction series number (batch number)
To inform the system which marking codes have been printed or applied. It is necessary to upload the marking codes with verification codes (crypto tails) in CSV format. The codes must be in the "Issued" status. The maximum number of codes must not exceed 30 000.
Next, click "Send" button . The result will be reflected in the list of reports.
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