Disbanding the AIC
The marking codes included in the AIC are blocked for any operations other than customs clearance and release of the Customs Cargo Declaration into the customs regime of "free circulation".
The AIC can be disbanded at the request of the importer, provided that the AIC has not been used for the release of goods into free circulation.
Reasons for disbanding AIC by the importer:
- Over-sorting (other codes must be included in the AIC);
- Changing the quantity of imported goods (you need to add or delete marking codes).
AICs are disbanded (similar to AIC Formation) in the NIS "Asl Belgisi" personal cabinet:
Section " Marking of goods " -> Tab "Documents" -> Button "Add document".
-> Item "Disbandment of AIC ":
Then a form for disbanding the AIC appears:
- "Applicant's TIN/PINFL" and "Applicant's name" are filled in automatically;
- The AIC field is filled in manually.
After completing the AIC, you need to confirm your actions by clicking on the "Send" button and signing the document with an EDS certificate.
The document is signed and displayed in the document register of your personal NIS "Asl Belgisi" account:
In addition to disbanding AIC at the request of the importer, it is also possible to automatically disband AIC in the following cases:
- Receipt of a negative answer from the SCC when registering (forming) AIC;
- Receipt of information from the State Customs Committee on the issue of the Customs Cargo Declaration, containing AIC with additional information on the refusal to release the goods into free circulation.
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